Do you have Agilent test equipment that you no longer use that’s just sitting around taking up space or collecting dust?
Then you should let BIZI turn those valuable assets into cash for you, so that you can purchase that new piece of test equipment you’ve been needing.
Whether you’re looking for instant cash, a consignment package, trade-in program or would like BIZI to customize an Agilent asset recovery program just for you, we have a wide range of services to help you maximize your return on investment.
We are currently looking to purchase Agilent test & measurement equipment from several product categories including analog and digital oscilloscopes, network analyzers, power meters, signal analyzers, spectrum analyzers and more.
Let us make you an offer on your used Agilent test equipment, Call 978-649-0722 now!
Agilent Test Equipment – We are currently looking to purchase!
* Note: This is only a partial list of pre-owned Agilent Test Equipment we are looking to purchase!